I was in the process of putting one of these together myself, but I realized that maybe someone had already done it. It’s good I checked because this guy has done it right. If you ever needed a color coded map that tells you pretty much everything that’s happening OUTSIDE the convention center at San Diego Comic-Con 2014, this is it! It even has locations for the various cosplay meetups happening throughout the week. If you ever wanted to see every Harley Quinn cosplayer in one location, you’ll want to check out this map.
And I found it on Reddit, of course. Dustin Ma (@dustinmajitsu on Twitter) has color coded the pins by day. Just go to the map now, click on the MORE link in the left column list of events and it will give you the breakdown: Yellow (pre-SDCC), Turquoise (Wednesday preview night), Purple (Thursday), Dark pink (Friday), Red (Saturday), Orange (Sunday), and Grey (multi-day events).
I couldn’t tell you if this is EVERY offsite event during Comic-Con, but it’s definitely hitting a bunch of the big ones and plenty of the notable small and medium ones too. Just click on a pin and it will give you a brief summary of what’s happening at that location. Last I heard, we were closing in on more than 200 different events happening throughout the Gaslamp District, and some all the way out into the furthest reaches of San Diego County. It really gives you an idea of just how far out Comic-Con has expanded and taken over the city in recent years. And it’s obvious that this year is bigger than ever before!
Of course, if you want to see a more traditional calendar instead of seeing where everything is at on a map, check out the calendar at the Unofficial SDCC Blog.
Image: Google