
Here’s just a few snippets of information for use in any press or multimedia presentations you may want to create about the SDCC Survival Guide.

Doug Kline and the SDCC Survival Guide have been featured on San Diego’s local early morning news FOX 5 affiliate and on the World Famous KROQ’s own Kevin & Bean Show.
SDCC Survival Guide featured on

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Images for use: credit Doug Kline and link to

San Diego Comic-Con Survival Guide


The ultimate guide to getting into and out of San Diego Comic-Con alive!

For geeks and fans of pop culture alike, July means only one thing: San Diego Comic-Con.

Since 2004, Doug Kline has faced down the long lines and waded into the ever-growing crowds inside and outside the hallowed halls of the San Diego Convention Center. In 2010, he released the original Unauthorized San Diego Comic-Con Survival Guide that garnered sales from around the world.

The San Diego Comic-Con Survival Guide reads as a love letter to the fan-favorite event and as a lifeline for those both trying to tackle the halls for the first time as well as those wanting to fine tune their experience, even if they’ve been going for years. Here’s just a few quotes from the readers:

“I go to conventions all the time… In fact, I ended up highlighting most of it from cover to cover. I highly recommend this book for everyone from the first time con attendee to even the most devout convention goer.” – Shawn B (Monroe, MI)

“After scouring the internet for any information available, the thing that helped me the most in feeling prepared was the SDCC Survival Guide. The helpful hints inside were like gold – I carried it around every day of the con in case I needed a refresher…” – Alyson S (Knightdale, NC)

Doug Kline created the book and its companion website to help fans like him take on the ever-expanding pop culture event and make a better experience for everyone. By helping others to manage expectations and build a game plan specific to their needs, the San Diego Comic-Con Survival Guide has been listed as one of the essential tools attendees seek out when making plans for Comic-Con each year. Read more about the book and its author at