Hey, true believers! (is that trademarked by anyone?) We are a week away from all things San Diego Comic-Con (SDCC) slamming into us like a pile of blue-eyed, ever-lovin’ orange bricks and I wanted to let you guys know that I’m here for you. No, really, I am.
And I’m not the only one. There are a lot of other sites out there that are a bit more comprehensive than this site, mainly because this site is about promoting my book and connecting with you fine people, not about providing a list of very informative press releases that are replicated capably on lots of other sites. A lot of you might be in the need of a little help here and there as you prepare for the big event or some on the ground direction. This year is looking very busy for all of us who support the convention-going public, but I’m here to push you in the right direction if you ask for it, as best I can.
If you contact me through Facebook or Twitter or the brand new, still very nearly empty Instagram account, I will do my best to respond to you on the fly. My phone has only so much battery power, but I’ll keep it charged as long as I can. And if I’m out at one of the late night after-parties, don’t expect too quick of a reply, nor a coherent one. Speaking of which, if you have an invite to one of those wild parties that’s just sitting out there doing nothing, I’ll be happy to make use of it, especially if there’s free food and drink involved (I’m a man of simple needs). I’ve already got a packed schedule for the week, but there’s almost always a better party out there and nobody said I can’t keep hopping around.
That said, I wanted to point each of you toward a few other resources that I’ve found valuable this year and in year’s past that might help you prepare for what’s to come:
>>> Unofficial SDCC BLOG
The good folks at the Unofficial SDCC BLOG always have an endless list of news about the exclusives, the events, the panels, and the people scattered throughout San Diego. Check in on them from time to time on the latest news leading up to the show and often throughout next week. These guys do a lot of work preparing you for just about anything and everything.
>>> Outside Comic-Con
And if you’re done with the crowds in the convention center and just want to blow off steam just about anywhere else in San Diego, the Outside Comic-Con site has a long list of events for you to check out for miles around, with official and unofficial ties to the show itself. Even if you don’t have a badge, there’s plenty to enjoy around the city every night of the show.
>>> Download the Official App
This may be a no-brainer, but over the years, SDCC has gotten really good at providing a lot of great resources to keep you informed of what’s going on at the con. Download that app, connect your social media account(s), and connect to your customized schedule along with lots of maps and news alerts throughout the day. I hoped to have an app of my own this year, but if I was going to do it, I wanted to offer something truly special (and something the official one couldn’t offer) for those that downloaded it. So until then, this your best bet at keeping on top of all of the official SDCC content, panels, events, and news as it happens.
>>> Download my Book!
Of course I had to pimp my own book. We’re down to the wire now for me to ship out anymore physical books, especially if you’re coming from outside the USA, so if you want to know everything I know download the digital copy right to your phone, on sale now at the all-new low price of $3.99. It’s still current and can answer a lot of those big questions you might already have but were afraid to ask now or via social media while sitting in line over night outside Hall H. Plus, I’ve got some FREE downloads also on that page that might help in a pinch.
Until then, I’m hard at work putting together a few new surprises that might even make my involvement with this big event (and many others) unlike anything I could have imagined before. Well, you might not have imagined it. I’ve been imagining it for years. Watch for more updates here and on my social media channels in the days to come leading up to the Big Show we’ve been waiting all year for.
Thanks to everyone who has supported me and my little book over the years. I hope to build upon that in the months and years to come. See you next week!