Okay, I’ll be right up front about it. It’s been awhile. The last time I posted was to announce an upgrade to the website. Two years ago. And honestly, it wasn’t all that great. But here I am again to tell you all about a brand new website update and some book news.
If you can’t tell already, the site has been majorly overhauled. The content has been updated. And when I found a few more boxes of the latest edition of the SDCC Survival Guide hidden away in my apartment, I decided I’d give some of you newbies another chance at picking one up. And I dropped the price! The SDCC Survival Guide is now only $3.99 for either the print edition or the digital edition! The print edition requires you to pay shipping, but you still get all the tips you need to survive San Diego Comic-Con for about the same price as a comic book these days.
And before you ask, no, the book itself has not been updated. It’s the same 2014 released edition, but when I wrote it, I laid it out in a way that it wouldn’t become quickly outdated. Everything in the book is still relevant today as it was 4 years ago. So unless San Diego sinks into the sea in an Aquaman related incident (again), the book still has everything you need to get you prepared for San Diego Comic-Con 2018. Okay, maybe not everything. But what it doesn’t have, you can get for free right here on the site. Go to the PURCHASE page to download two free checklists to help you navigate finances and prepare your luggage for the trip. The supplies checklist might need a little updating, but I’ll let you know if I do get the time to fine tune it. It’s free either way, so downloading it twice won’t kill you.
So what have I been doing all this time instead of keeping this site up to date? Well, I’ve been working hard on a few new sites that should compliment this one quite well in the months and years to come. More news on that later. They have been many years in the making. I hope that I can share them with you very soon. But rest assured, all of these sites will be in the same spirit of helping people like you find your way through all aspects of fandom and improving your experience while at your favorite con or almost anywhere in the world. And I will need some of you to help me bring them to life. Watch for more information on all these mysterious teases very soon now that I’ve gotten the SDCC Survival Guide site back up and running.
I’m still happy to answer any questions people may have here through the CONTACT page or on social media. Feel free to follow me on Facebook and Twitter and now Instagram (check the links below or in the sidebar). I’ve yet to post any pics to Instagram yet, but expect that to change once we’re at Comic-Con in just a few weeks.
Anyway, I’m glad to be back and I hope I can help make your trip to San Diego Comic-Con this year even better than you ever expected.