Tag: san diego

Newly Updated FREE SDCC Survival Guide iPhone App Available Now!

It’s back! (finally) While I haven’t had the time to overhaul it like I wanted to, I have updated the content, culled from an endless list of websites and press releases, many of which I’ve only just received in the last few days. So what I’m saying is that it isn’t pretty, but it has …

JUST ANNOUNCED: How to Get Tickets to Comic-Con 2012!

More than anything else, the question I get most, next to “what time should I get in line?”, is “how can I get tickets for San Diego Comic-Con 2012?” Well, now we have our answer. According to The Beat, San Diego Comic-Con 2012 pre-registration will take place Thursday through Sunday from 8am to 11am (that’s …

SDCC Survival Guide Signing at the Comic Bug! + Win Prizes!

Hey, true believers (am I legally allowed to say that?), I will be doing an appearance/signing at the Comic Bug in Manhattan Beach this Wednesday from noon until about 7ish(?), so stop on by and say hi! We can talk Comic-Con survival tactics, big rumors, and whatever other geeky topic your heart desires… And whether …

If You Buy a Book Online, Will You Get It In Time For Comic-Con?

The short answer is YES! The long answer is that I will do everything in my power to make sure you get what you paid for, even if I have to hand it to you myself at the show. I know some people might be hesitant to buy the book online for fear that they …